the evolution of a heartbreak

every now and then I feel an incredible amount of inspiration that I want to execute through makeup. It takes me a while to get the vision down with the right aesthetics to truly portray the feel, depth and root of the emotion. In my work, I meet so many different with people with so many different stories and secrets and vulnerable moments which make me think of my own. We all have a "me too" moment with someone and it makes you feel less alone when feeling an emotion as strong as love. i wanted to execute what the thoughts & expression of a heartbreak look like through makeup and mood. My good friend,  @allencooley helped me bring my vision to life. I present to you... | the heartbreak series|

a makeup artist's makeup artist!

So, one of my really good friends Nalani aka @beautybott who also happens to be an extraordinary makeup artist had a wedding coming up! We do numerous weddings- I know it can be tiring to do makeup for so many people in a short amount of time, but this crazy girl wanted to do it herself! and I was like wait! are you insane?! this is YOUR BIG DAY, there's no way you're going to do your own makeup for your wedding. So after some deliberation I finally got her to say YES! lol AND here is my beautiful bride #noorfaced! It was such an honor to be able to do another artist's makeup for such an intimate occasion & that she trusted me enough to be a part of it! 

NFL Football Hall of Fame

Never thought I'd ever use the hashtag, #jetsetlife ! But when the opportunity presented itself, I was beyond ready! I mean, it's not really everyday that I'm hopping on someone's private jet to go do some makeup. Pretty freakin sweet! I got to glam Trameka Bettis, wife of former pro football player, Jerome Bettis (Pittsburg Steelers)  for the 4 day extravaganza! Of course I had to get her right for the #PJlife. This is probably the most momentous occasion I've ever been a part of. I don't even know what I was expecting but definitely not what I experienced. I wasn't even the one being honored for the Hall of Fame, so I couldn't even imagine what Mr. Bettis was feeling or thinking! 

From the dinners to the parties, I got to meet some amazing people and see legends in the building give amazing, inspiring speeches. I even snagged a selfie with hip-hop legend Rakim! #dopeness!  I'll stop rambling so you can relive these moments with me through these pics! #wayup


expanding noorface is extremely important to me, so I took it upon myself to take a leap of faith and take my talents down to south beach! I got a chance to work with some of the most beautiful women from two of the biggest agencies, Wilhelmina Miami & Elite Miami! We were legit in the water, on the rocks, crabs and all living the dream! 

Queens from the same King

For me, as an artist, it's important for me to push myself outside of my comfort zone. It's not always about the money- sometimes you have to revitalize your craft and think outside of your box. Creatives can get caught in routines they don't even realize, ironic- really. I saw an opportunity to take the plunge into stepping out of my normal routine with makeup, thanks to RAW Artist Atlanta, catering to up and coming artist wanting to showcase their work. Everyone from musicians, hair stylists, fashion stylists, painters singers, and little old artist. I wanted to do something that left an impression further than the makeup. I wanted it to be educational, fun, avante garde and most of all, emotionally thought provoking. So after some time and last minute changes- literally the hour before- I present to you: Queens from the same King. 


I am so estatic to announce that noorface will have a home of her own! Mimi Johnson came up with the awesome concept of having this space where we can create freely and have clients come to us! Not to mention, you can buy quality makeup brands that are hard to get in stores in Atlanta such as ingot, kevin aucoin, becca cosmetics to name a few. There will be a team of artists I'll be working alongside and I couldn't be happier! It's been a long time since I've wanted a space to call my own and its finally here! I will start taking appointments at the new spot starting April 15 onwards :-) Tell a friend to tell their friends and we can all be friends!! Visit for more cool news and things and such!

floating away

#noorfaced this amazingly talented new artist, India Shawn, for her video featuring James Fauntleroy. To be around such talented is inspiring within itself and the results are even more phenomenal! I love being part of projects on the backend to see everything that goes into it- and then you get a product that's so seamlessly beautiful, it's truly why I do what I do.  
Go ahead and click that play button!

till death do us part

Weddings take such an incredible amount of attention and care. I mean, a person is depending on you for such a momentous occasion and you are privy to some of the most intimate moments in this person's life. I don't take this lightly. From meeting their family, sometimes extended family and even relatives from different states and countries to witness holy matrimony. I am there through tears of joy, the panic, the nerves, the "turn the music up", "give me some ice" and
"everyone leave me alone" moments. Perhaps the most rewarding moment is how beautiful they feel in the entire vision after the process. So, cheers to the process! 

running through the archives

I had the pleasure of working with the insanely talented Marsha Ambrosius, while she was in Atlanta for her Lovers & Friends tour
[OCT 15, 16 2014]. Not only was she an incredible performer, but so down to earth and a great artist to work with! She definitely got #noorfaced both nights! I was lucky enough to get a personal invite from Miss Ambrosius to attend the show. Felt so awesome sitting in the reserved section ;-D The performance gave me chills!

You can check out her interview about her tour, upcoming projects and a few pics of our time together :)


TommorrowWorld 2013-2014

The most epic concert in the world happened right here in my hometown! Not only was I able to attend all three days, but I had the opportunity to do makeup for the fairies! Crazy, awesome fantasy makeup where I could really be free in my expression. This is my second year participating on the makeup team for TomorrowWorld and hopefully it'll continue this year!

BTS: Video shoot | Meelah ft. Musiq Soulchild

Having fun on set, loving life. Musiq was the coolest person on the planet. We took a billion selfies and while Meelah was shooting, I was having fun with the different hairstyles! I loved working with these two! You can check out the video in the work [digital media] gallery :)

Istanbul Turkey with Dilek Budak

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be flying to Turkey for a project. I got the call from one of my dearest friends in the industry, Erica, and she asked me if I could do a job in Turkey. I said sure, okay cool- what location? She paused... Istanbul. I said, like... Istanbul, Istanbul, TURKEY? She said yes. Can you fly out next week? So much excitement and nerves running through my body and before you know it I was on a 16 hour flight halfway across the world. 

The greatest way to spend my birthday week! Working & Traveling <3

Take a look!